Your platform to transform vision-based technologies into meaningful insights and solve your highest-priority business challenges.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Gain a flexible, scalable, and standards-based enterprise platform.

  • Access a pre-validated library of relevant third-party intelligent video analytics (IVA).

  • Integrate existing intelligent video analytics (IVA).

  • Utilise current infrastructure, including CCTV, sensors, or drones.

  • Avoid single vendor lock-in.

  • Set and maintain your privacy policies at the platform layer.

Unlocking Industries

The TRU platform leverages your existing camera and sensor infrastructure and gives you an extensive collection of third-party AI technologies, models, and algorithms within a single platform, to elevate your decision-making confidence and solve complex business challenges.

Retail & CX

Boost customer engagement, sales, safety, and operational efficiency using insights from your existing security cameras. 

Travel & Transport

Improve passenger, staff, and visitor experience whilst driving safety, security and operational efficiencies.


Improve efficiency and insights through proactive safety monitoring for mining, warehousing, and other resource-driven industries.


Accurate, real-time analytics and insights whilst maintain privacy to improve the patient, staff, and visitor experience.


Take Control of Your Innovation

Streamline your business with a single platform for cost control and innovative growth, connecting siloed methods with a unified, standards-driven approach to vision-based technology adoption.


Privacy and Ethics, By Design

Mitigate risk, ensure compliance, and secure company data through responsible AI. When decisions matter, the TRU Platform offers a higher degree of accuracy and the confidence that your privacy and AI ethics applied all at the platform level.

Transform your enterprise with a platform that grows with you!